To understand why, I'll give you a quick background story: I've traveled a lot in my life, but most of the time I've gone to developed countries, and I've been with my parents. Only in the past few years have I begun to travel alone, and I've always been smart, safe. But when I was studying abroad in Rome, I came down with shingles, and my health wavered more than it ever has before. I had to take antiviral medicines three times a day for seven days. My appetite decreased to the point where I was faint throughout the day and had trouble standing. I was constantly tired, but I could barely sleep, tossing and turning throughout the night. It was so unbearable that I seriously considered cutting my semester short and going home. But I pushed through the illness and made it to the end. However, it left me paranoid about my health. Every little bump, cough, or ache, and I was in the clinic talking to the doctors. And most of the time, I was perfectly fine. It took me a couple years to get over my short stint as a hypochondriac, but this trip to South Africa has got me a little concerned.
The doctor's words keep repeating in my head: don't drink the water, don't eat any fruit or vegetables without a rind, keep applying bug spray, use bottled water when brushing your teeth, etc. It is so easy to contract a disease in underdeveloped countries if you aren't careful. But I refuse to let my worrisome ways ruin my trip. I will be cautious, of course, making sure to take all my prescriptions, packing any first aid essentials, and getting plenty of rest. However, I will not obsess over the littlest things like I usually do. As long as I take care of myself and adhere to what the doctor said, I should be fine.
I realize I am not alone in my desire for a healthy vacation, so here are some helpful articles and links you can use to make sure you're fully prepared for your next trip: International Travel, CDC, Travel and Health.
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