
Friday, October 23, 2009

The Moon, Come to Earth

Usually on Thursday nights, I sit in the ever-chilly McGaw Hall at DePaul University for three hours of Memoir Writing. But last night, my professor graced us with a pleasant surprise: A private reading from Philip Graham's travel memoir.
So, munching on some refreshments provided by the University, we all listened attentively as Graham read three dispatches from The Moon, Come to Earth:Dispatches from Lisbon. Graham spent a year in Portugal with his wife and daughter, and this book is a selection of essays from that time. As he read, I was drawn into his stories about the cuisine--every dish includes pork in some form--and a trip with his family for a weekend break from Lisbon, and finally about witnessing a reality television show similar to our Beauty and the Geek. He was funny, insightful, and interesting, and despite knowing that money is a little tight right now, I caved and bought a copy of the book. Hopefully some of his stylistic prose will rub off on me and help with writing my own travel memoir.
When he was signing my copy, I mentioned my desire to be a travel writer and the story I am currently working on. Immediately he asked to know more and seemed to be intrigued by my adventures. It was a promising reaction, and some of my doubts and reservations melted away as he gave me some advice and pointed me toward a book that might help me organize my memories. He thanked me for coming, but really I had to thank him, because his reading made me even more excited to document my own stories. I cannot wait to read the rest of his book, and hopefully finish mine soon.

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