
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

On A Mission... be a travel writer!

And I'm definitely on my way. So, as I mentioned last week, I am determined to have a career in the travel industry. The Office of Tourism would of course be a great place for me to be, and I know I would enjoy working there. But then it dawned on me that I might not get to write as much as I want. And so the search continued, until I stumbled across a job opportunity on DePaul's career website to be an editorial intern for a travel trade publisher called Premier Tourism Marketing. It seemed too perfect to be true, and yet there it was.

Of course I realize I still have my apprenticeship to finish, and I fully intend on doing that, but how much would I regret not applying for this job. And so I sent in an application this morning, and guess what?

I got an interview!

Now hear me out, cause I know what you're thinking. If I get the internship, it is only a part-time position starting in the spring, so probably March, and I only have to work between 8 and 15 hours a week. I can still work at my current job part-time, maybe three days a week, and then work the internship. I may seem crazy, but this is an opportunity that is too good to pass up. I would get to research and write travel articles to be published online and in print!! It's everything I want!! And so I am going to attend the interview and hope for the best.

Wish me luck!!

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